The Story Behind This Haunted Cemetery in Georgia is Terrifying

Georgia holds a rich and tumultuous history, with echoes of the past still lingering today. Among the most haunted locations in the state is Savannah’s Bonaventure Cemetery, recognized as one of the world’s spookiest spots by Planet Cruise. This cemetery not only boasts historical and aesthetic beauty but also holds a reputation for eerie and supernatural occurrences.

The Origin of Bonaventure Cemetery

Originally, Bonaventure was a plantation owned by John Mullryne, who gave it the name “Bonaventure,” signifying “good fortune” in French. In 1846, it was acquired by Peter Wiltberger, who transformed it into a public cemetery.

The cemetery’s fame grew due to its Gothic and Victorian-style monuments, sculptures, and mausoleums, reflecting the diverse and influential individuals laid to rest there. Among the notable figures interred at Bonaventure are poet Conrad Aiken, songwriter Johnny Mercer, and novelist Flannery O’Connor.

The Spirits of Bonaventure Cemetery

Bonaventure Cemetery is renowned for its collection of ghostly tales and legends, attracting visitors and paranormal investigators from around the globe. Some of the most well-known spectral entities haunting the cemetery include:

  1. Little Gracie Watson, a six-year-old who succumbed to pneumonia in 1889. Her grieving father commissioned a lifelike statue to mark her grave, believed to be an exact likeness of her. Many visitors claim to have witnessed or heard Little Gracie laughing, crying, or playing in the cemetery, particularly near her statue. Some even report that the statue’s expression changes or that it appears to shed tears.
  2. Corinne Lawton, a young woman who took her own life by drowning in the Savannah River in 1877. Her love was forbidden by her family, and she chose death over separation. Her spirit is said to wander the cemetery, forever in search of her lost lover. Some have spotted her apparition near her grave or by the river’s edge.
  3. Rene Asch Rondolier, a man accused of murdering two young girls in 1820. He was lynched by an angry mob and buried in an unmarked grave within the cemetery. His vengeful and violent ghost is believed to be responsible for any mysterious deaths or disappearances occurring near the cemetery.

How to Explore Bonaventure Cemetery

If you muster the courage to visit Bonaventure Cemetery, you can find it at 330 Bonaventure Road in Savannah, Georgia. The cemetery is open daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and there is no admission fee. Guided tours are available, offering insights into the cemetery’s history and its haunting tales. Alternatively, you can explore the cemetery independently, but do so respectfully, considering both the resting places and the ethereal inhabitants. At Bonaventure Cemetery, the haunted burial ground in Georgia, you never know what unearthly experiences await you.

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