Patty Gasso’s Husband Takes on New Role: The Journey of Jim Gasso

Jim Gasso, husband of renowned softball coach Patty Gasso, embarked on a new adventure earlier this year when he accepted the position of head softball coach at Mid-America Christian University (MACU). Let’s delve into the story of Jim’s transition and the motivations behind his career shift.

Answering the Call: Jim Gasso’s Decision

Upon receiving a call from a friend inquiring about potential candidates for the softball coaching position at MACU, Jim Gasso surprised many by expressing his genuine interest. Despite his established career as the assistant general manager of the Oklahoma City Spark, Jim felt compelled to explore new avenues aligned with his faith and passion for impacting lives positively.

The Influence of Faith: Jim Gasso’s Calling

Driven by a desire for deeper interpersonal connections and a sense of purpose, Jim felt led by his faith to pursue coaching as a means of making a meaningful difference in the lives of others. His involvement in ministry and regular Bible studies further solidified his decision to transition into coaching, viewing it as an opportunity to fulfill his calling and utilize his skills to empower others.

A Familiar Journey: Jim Gasso’s Coaching Background

While Jim brings a wealth of experience in athletics, including previous roles as an administrator and volunteer assistant coach at the collegiate level, his appointment as head coach marks a significant milestone in his coaching career. Despite not having prior experience as a head coach, Jim’s dedication and passion for the sport position him for success in his new role at MACU.

Family Matters: The Gasso Legacy

Jim’s transition to coaching not only impacts his professional trajectory but also resonates deeply within the Gasso family. With Patty leading the OU softball team to new heights and their sons making their mark in coaching, Jim’s decision to pursue coaching at MACU adds another chapter to their collective journey in the world of softball.

A Testament to Love and Legacy: Patty Gasso’s Inspirational Journey

Reflecting on her own journey, Patty Gasso’s remarkable success as a coach is rooted in her mother’s unwavering support and sacrifice. From instilling a love for sports during Patty’s formative years to inspiring her pursuit of coaching excellence, Patty’s mother played a pivotal role in shaping her daughter’s passion and determination.


In conclusion, Jim Gasso’s journey from assistant general manager to head softball coach at MACU embodies a testament to faith, family, and the pursuit of purpose-driven work. As he embarks on this new chapter, Jim’s dedication to coaching serves as an inspiration to all who seek to follow their passions and make a meaningful impact in the world of sports.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What prompted Jim Gasso’s decision to become a softball coach at MACU?
Jim’s decision was driven by a calling to pursue a career aligned with his faith and a desire to make a positive impact through coaching.

2. Does Jim Gasso have prior coaching experience?
While Jim has extensive experience in athletics, including roles as an administrator and volunteer assistant coach, his appointment as head coach at MACU marks his first experience leading a collegiate softball program.

3. How does Jim Gasso’s coaching journey intersect with Patty Gasso’s career?
Jim’s coaching journey adds another dimension to the Gasso family’s legacy in softball, complementing Patty’s success as the head coach of the OU softball team and their sons’ involvement in coaching.

4. What role did Patty Gasso’s mother play in shaping her coaching career?
Patty’s mother served as a source of inspiration and support, instilling a love for sports and demonstrating the importance of perseverance and dedication.

5. How does Jim Gasso’s transition to coaching reflect his values and beliefs?
Jim’s decision to pursue coaching aligns with his commitment to faith, service, and making a meaningful difference in the lives of others, reflecting his values and beliefs.

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