Is Marjorie Taylor Greene Married? Exploring Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Divorce and Personal Life

Marjorie Taylor Greene, a prominent figure in American politics, is currently in the spotlight due to her recent divorce proceedings. Let’s delve into the details surrounding her marital status and the events leading up to her divorce.

Marriage to Perry Greene

Marjorie Taylor Greene tied the knot with Perry Greene in August of 1995, marking the beginning of a 27-year journey together. However, recent court records indicate that Perry has filed for divorce, citing their marriage as “irretrievably broken.” Despite their lengthy union, the couple has decided to part ways, with Perry emphasizing their previous separation and the current state of their relationship.

Family Dynamics

During their marriage, Marjorie and Perry welcomed three children into the world. Although none of them are minors, the impact of their parents’ divorce undoubtedly weighs heavily on the family. Both Marjorie and Perry have expressed their commitment to prioritizing their children’s well-being as they navigate this challenging period. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a prominent figure in American politics, is currently in the spotlight due to her recent divorce proceedings.

Statements from Marjorie and Perry

In response to the divorce filing, Marjorie Taylor Greene released a statement expressing her belief in the sanctity of marriage and acknowledging the role it plays in shaping society. She praised Perry for his role as a father and emphasized the importance of family in her life. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a prominent figure in American politics, is currently in the spotlight due to her recent divorce proceedings.

Similarly, Perry Greene echoed Marjorie’s sentiments, highlighting the significance of their family unit and expressing gratitude for their shared experiences. Despite their decision to pursue separate paths, both Marjorie and Perry remain committed to co-parenting their children and maintaining a supportive friendship.

Future Implications

As the divorce proceedings unfold, questions arise regarding Marjorie Taylor Greene’s professional identity. Will she continue to serve as a representative under her current name, or will the divorce prompt a change? These uncertainties add another layer of complexity to an already tumultuous situation.

Privacy Concerns

Amidst public scrutiny, Perry Greene has petitioned the court to seal all existing and future filings related to the divorce case. This request underscores the couple’s desire to safeguard their family’s privacy during this challenging time. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a prominent figure in American politics, is currently in the spotlight due to her recent divorce proceedings.


In conclusion, Marjorie Taylor Greene’s divorce has captured public attention, shedding light on the personal struggles faced by individuals in the public eye. While the future remains uncertain, one thing is clear: navigating the complexities of marriage and family requires resilience and a commitment to prioritizing the well-being of loved ones.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Marjorie Taylor Greene still married?
Marjorie Taylor Greene’s husband, Perry Greene, has filed for divorce after 27 years of marriage.

2. How many children do Marjorie and Perry Greene have?
Marjorie and Perry Greene share three children, all of whom are adults.

3. What prompted the divorce filing?
The divorce filing cited their marriage as “irretrievably broken,” indicating a significant breakdown in their relationship.

4. Will Marjorie Taylor Greene continue to serve as a representative after the divorce?
The future implications of the divorce on Marjorie’s professional identity remain uncertain.

5. Why did Perry Greene request to seal the divorce filings?
Perry Greene sought to protect the family’s privacy amidst public scrutiny surrounding their divorce proceedings.

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