Who is Rebecca Grossman? Unraveling the Story of the California Philanthropist

Rebecca Grossman, a prominent figure in California’s social and philanthropic circles, has garnered attention not only for her charitable work but also for a tragic incident that has thrust her into the public eye. Let’s delve into the life of Rebecca Grossman to understand who she is beyond the headlines.

Early Life and Background

Born on June 14, 1963, Rebecca Grossman’s journey to prominence began with humble origins. Before establishing herself as a socialite and philanthropist, she pursued various endeavors, including working as a flight attendant and pursuing education at Texas Tech University and UCLA.

The Grossman Burn Foundation

Rebecca Grossman co-founded the Grossman Burn Foundation alongside her husband, Dr. Peter H. Grossman. This organization plays a crucial role in supporting burn survivors and their families worldwide, emphasizing comprehensive treatment and care.

The Tragic Incident

Rebecca Grossman’s life took a dramatic turn on September 29, 2020, when she was involved in a fatal hit-and-run incident in Westlake Village, California. Driving at high speed, she struck and killed two young boys, Mark Iskander, 11, and Jacob Iskander, 8, who were crossing the street. This incident led to her conviction on charges including murder and gross vehicular manslaughter.

Legal Proceedings and Conviction

Following a highly publicized trial, Rebecca Grossman was found guilty of second-degree murder, vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence, and hit-and-run driving resulting in death. Despite her claims of innocence and expressions of remorse during sentencing, the court sentenced her to 15 years to life in prison.

Personal Life and Family

Rebecca Grossman has been married to Dr. Peter H. Grossman for several decades. Dr. Grossman is renowned for his work as a plastic surgeon specializing in burn injuries and is the president of The Grossman Burn Center in Los Angeles. The couple has raised two children and also adopted a daughter from Afghanistan.

Public Perception and Legacy

The case of Rebecca Grossman has sparked intense public debate, with opinions divided over her culpability and the severity of her sentence. Supporters highlight her charitable contributions and emphasize that she should not be judged solely by the tragic events of September 2020. Critics, however, point to the devastating consequences of her actions and argue for accountability.


Rebecca Grossman’s story is a complex narrative of philanthropy, tragedy, and legal accountability. While her contributions to society through the Grossman Burn Foundation are significant, the consequences of her actions on that fateful day have irrevocably altered lives and perceptions. As she begins her sentence, the legacy of Rebecca Grossman serves as a cautionary tale about the profound impacts of irresponsible behavior.

Rebecca Grossman, a prominent figure in California’s social and philanthropic circles, has garnered attention not only for her charitable work but also for a tragic incident that has thrust her into the public eye.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is Rebecca Grossman?
Rebecca Grossman is a California philanthropist known for co-founding the Grossman Burn Foundation and her involvement in a tragic hit-and-run incident resulting in legal proceedings.

2. What is the Grossman Burn Foundation?
The Grossman Burn Foundation is an organization dedicated to supporting burn survivors and their families globally, founded by Rebecca Grossman and her husband, Dr. Peter H. Grossman.

3. What happened to Rebecca Grossman?
Rebecca Grossman was sentenced to 15 years to life in prison for her involvement in a hit-and-run incident that resulted in the deaths of two children.

4. Is Rebecca Grossman remorseful for her actions?
During her sentencing, Rebecca Grossman expressed remorse for the incident, stating that she never saw the children and would have done anything to avoid hitting them.

5. What is Rebecca Grossman’s family background?
Rebecca Grossman is married to Dr. Peter H. Grossman, a renowned plastic surgeon specializing in burn injuries. They have two biological children and an adopted daughter from Afghanistan.

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