Is Cory Booker Married? The Rosario Dawson Relationship Timeline

Senator Cory Booker’s romantic journey with actress Rosario Dawson captivated many, but has it culminated in marriage? Let’s delve into their relationship timeline and explore this burning question.

The Genesis of Their Love Story

Their love story began at a political fundraiser in the summer of 2018. While sparks didn’t immediately fly, fate intervened, and they reconnected months later. Booker fondly recalls their initial conversation, where he stumbled over asking for her phone number, but Dawson graciously offered it, sparking excitement within him.

Broadway Bonds and Serenades

In early 2019, the couple was spotted at a Broadway show, “Dear Evan Hansen,” where Dawson serenaded Booker with an impromptu tune professing her love in English and Spanish. This public display hinted at the depth of their affection.

A Public Acknowledgment

Initially, the couple kept their relationship private. However, Dawson inadvertently confirmed their romance during an encounter with TMZ in March 2019. She expressed joy about spending time with Booker, shedding light on their blossoming connection.

Support Amidst Political Pursuits

During Booker’s presidential campaign, Dawson stood by his side, attending debates and publicly endorsing his candidacy. Her unwavering support showcased the strength of their bond amidst political endeavors.

Cohabitation and New Beginnings

By May 2020, Dawson took a significant step by moving in with Booker, marking a new chapter in their lives. Their decision symbolized a deepening commitment and a shared vision for the future.

Navigating Challenges Together

Like many couples, they faced challenges, including adjusting to cohabitation during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, their shared values, including veganism and social activism, strengthened their bond.

A Presidential Inauguration

In January 2021, Dawson accompanied Booker to President Biden’s Inauguration, demonstrating their mutual support and shared values on a national stage.

The Breakup Speculation

Despite their public displays of affection, rumors surfaced in February regarding their split. While neither party confirmed the breakup, speculation swirled, leaving fans questioning the status of their relationship.

The Unanswered Question: Marriage?

As the public eagerly awaits clarification on their relationship status, the question remains: Is Cory Booker married to Rosario Dawson? While their journey has been filled with love, support, and shared experiences, the answer to this query remains shrouded in mystery.


In conclusion, the romantic journey of Senator Cory Booker and actress Rosario Dawson has captured the attention of many. Their relationship, marked by public appearances, mutual support, and shared values, has been a subject of fascination. Senator Cory Booker’s romantic journey with actress Rosario Dawson captivated many, but has it culminated in marriage?

However, amidst speculation and rumors, the question of whether Cory Booker is married to Rosario Dawson remains unanswered. While their love story has been filled with warmth and affection, the status of their relationship continues to intrigue fans. Only time will reveal the true nature of their bond and whether marriage is on the horizon for this dynamic couple.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Cory Booker married to Rosario Dawson?
As of now, there is no official confirmation of marriage between Senator Cory Booker and actress Rosario Dawson.

2. When did Cory Booker and Rosario Dawson start dating?
Cory Booker and Rosario Dawson began dating in the summer of 2018 after meeting at a political fundraiser.

3. Did Cory Booker and Rosario Dawson attend public events together?
Yes, they attended various public events together, including political debates and the presidential inauguration.

4. Are Cory Booker and Rosario Dawson still together?
While rumors of a breakup circulated, neither Cory Booker nor Rosario Dawson has confirmed their current relationship status.

5. What is the status of Cory Booker and Rosario Dawson’s relationship?
The status of Cory Booker and Rosario Dawson’s relationship remains uncertain as neither party has provided definitive information regarding their current situation.

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